Oliva (Americoliva) cf fulgurator
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J' ai reçu cette Oliva comme cadeau sans taxon; je la mets cf. fulgurator à cause du cal de sa spire..... Elle pourrait bien être bifasciata (Küster in Weinkauff, 1876). Dernièrement (2013) il y a eu un remaniement des genres des Oliva des côtes est américaines que je n' ai pas suivi! Taille: 42 mm.
I have received this Oliva as a gift without taxon; I put it cf.fulgurator because his callus on his turn ..... It may well be bifasciata (Küster in Weinkauff, 1876). Recently (2013) there has been a reorganization of the Genus Oliva of American east coasts that I didn 't follow! Size: 42 mm.